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April 2018
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Buku Urantia: Status Terjemahan Urantia Book bulan April 2015: S...
Buku Urantia: Status Terjemahan Urantia Book bulan April 2015: S...: Penerjemahan Urantia Book oleh tim sudah selesai first draft (196 paper) dan dilanjutkan revisi, sampai akhir April ini baru sampai Paper ...
Pesan dari Adjuster: Hidup itu Jauh Lebih dari Yang Kita Pikirkan
Alabama, US of A, April 20, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “What else might life be?”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Life is much more than you think it is. You know that it is an experience all of you will carry over into the future. You have also begun to understand that life is a contribution to the Supreme Being at both planetary and universal levels. However, what else might life be?
“Your Thought Adjuster has descended from Paradise to inhabit your mortal mind. His mission includes two aspects. The first one is to personally guide you to attain the very presence of the Father as His perfected child. The other aspect has something to do with the way the Father entrusts some of His attributes to His creatures. By giving you a Fragment of Himself, the Father has effectively created a new being that can be His representative in any place and at any moment. Once you have reached Paradise, you will to all intents and purposes be considered to be similar to God, and your endeavors throughout creation will be the endeavors of God.
“In this way our Father reveals Himself more fully. You were created with a definite purpose, as an original idea in the mind of the Creator. Some day you will fulfil that intended purpose, and you will reveal entirely the intent of the Father through your existence, your life and your actions.
“Even if this purpose may not be clear today, you can begin to work towards its expression. Little by little you are being guided to be what the Father desires for you to become, and you only need to learn to follow the guidance of the Divine Fragment within you. Your destiny is unity, to become one with God, to be an extension of His will, and to be a co-creator of realities. Those who work alone may achieve small things. Those who work in unity with the energy that sustains the universe – divine love – know that nothing is impossible and they can achieve anything.
“In unity with the will of God you will always triumph. Those who desire and are working for peace today will be victorious, because on each day love is spreading more into the hearts of the inhabitants of this world. The sublime enterprise of civilization – the establishment of light and life in this world – will be the heritage from those who work and have worked toward this goal, since their efforts are not in vain. To turn a primitive world into a sphere of light is the most amazing miracle that can be observed in a universe, with repercussions reaching all the way to Paradise itself. Every forward step by each single creature does bring this goal closer to reality. You are the creators of the miracle, and this is just a small example of what you can achieve when you combine your co-creative efforts. Together, all the children of God will be His hands throughout eternity.”
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “What else might life be?”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Life is much more than you think it is. You know that it is an experience all of you will carry over into the future. You have also begun to understand that life is a contribution to the Supreme Being at both planetary and universal levels. However, what else might life be?
“Your Thought Adjuster has descended from Paradise to inhabit your mortal mind. His mission includes two aspects. The first one is to personally guide you to attain the very presence of the Father as His perfected child. The other aspect has something to do with the way the Father entrusts some of His attributes to His creatures. By giving you a Fragment of Himself, the Father has effectively created a new being that can be His representative in any place and at any moment. Once you have reached Paradise, you will to all intents and purposes be considered to be similar to God, and your endeavors throughout creation will be the endeavors of God.
“In this way our Father reveals Himself more fully. You were created with a definite purpose, as an original idea in the mind of the Creator. Some day you will fulfil that intended purpose, and you will reveal entirely the intent of the Father through your existence, your life and your actions.
“Even if this purpose may not be clear today, you can begin to work towards its expression. Little by little you are being guided to be what the Father desires for you to become, and you only need to learn to follow the guidance of the Divine Fragment within you. Your destiny is unity, to become one with God, to be an extension of His will, and to be a co-creator of realities. Those who work alone may achieve small things. Those who work in unity with the energy that sustains the universe – divine love – know that nothing is impossible and they can achieve anything.
“In unity with the will of God you will always triumph. Those who desire and are working for peace today will be victorious, because on each day love is spreading more into the hearts of the inhabitants of this world. The sublime enterprise of civilization – the establishment of light and life in this world – will be the heritage from those who work and have worked toward this goal, since their efforts are not in vain. To turn a primitive world into a sphere of light is the most amazing miracle that can be observed in a universe, with repercussions reaching all the way to Paradise itself. Every forward step by each single creature does bring this goal closer to reality. You are the creators of the miracle, and this is just a small example of what you can achieve when you combine your co-creative efforts. Together, all the children of God will be His hands throughout eternity.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Hidup ini Penuh Perjuangan. Ini Diperlukan!
Pesan dari Roh ilahi yang menempati diri kita masing-masing, Dalam Urantia Book disebut Thought Adjuster atau Penyesuai Pikiran.
Adjuster: “Life is full of struggles. These are necessary. When you exercise, you understand that you must make an effort, that you should create a certain amount of difficulty if you want to stimulate your body to become stronger. It is the same with the human soul. The soul must overcome some challenges and go through some situations to become stronger, become trustworthy, and develop a firm character. One of these coveted virtues is patience. How would you learn to be patient if you would never have to wait a long time for something you want? There is no study program in this world to teach you patience, but life itself offers you plenty of opportunities to attain this eternal value.
Adjuster: “Life is full of struggles. These are necessary. When you exercise, you understand that you must make an effort, that you should create a certain amount of difficulty if you want to stimulate your body to become stronger. It is the same with the human soul. The soul must overcome some challenges and go through some situations to become stronger, become trustworthy, and develop a firm character. One of these coveted virtues is patience. How would you learn to be patient if you would never have to wait a long time for something you want? There is no study program in this world to teach you patience, but life itself offers you plenty of opportunities to attain this eternal value.
Balas Dendam dan Keadilan
Pesan dari dimensi lain dari oknum guru atau malaikat yang mengaku sebagai Prolotheos: “Let us start this lesson by proposing that there are things which seem good, but on closer observation are found to be evil in disguise. One example is covered by today’s topic of Revenge versus Justice. Revenge may seem to imply something akin to justice, because it appears to share some aspects with justice, like retribution or punishment. In fact, revenge has nothing to do with Justice, because the former seeks to make things even according to personal standards, whilst the latter seeks to rectify things – make things right according to the law. Adherence to the rule of law is a mark of an advanced society, whereas the acceptance of revenge is a left over characteristic of barbarism.
Adjuster: Belajar Bergantung Hanya Padaku, Berusahalah Bertumbuh, Berbahagialah
Pesan yang diterima seseorang dari Adjuster yang menempatinya (Penyesuai Pikiran, Roh Ilahi yang diam dalam diri kita.)
Adjuster: “Learn to depend only upon Me. Nothing in this world will provide lasting satisfaction. Only the expressions and relationships of love with your siblings have eternal value. Invest your time and your resources on things with eternal value. Your time in this world is limited and precious. Don’t waste it. When you put your trust in Me and make me your main source, you will always feel satisfied and the artificial needs of this world will not affect you anymore. Have you not already discovered that your real needs can be counted on the fingers of one hand? Are you lacking any of these today? No. Then, why worry?
Adjuster: “Learn to depend only upon Me. Nothing in this world will provide lasting satisfaction. Only the expressions and relationships of love with your siblings have eternal value. Invest your time and your resources on things with eternal value. Your time in this world is limited and precious. Don’t waste it. When you put your trust in Me and make me your main source, you will always feel satisfied and the artificial needs of this world will not affect you anymore. Have you not already discovered that your real needs can be counted on the fingers of one hand? Are you lacking any of these today? No. Then, why worry?
Sebuah Pelajaran tentang HENING
Children of the New World
Children of the New World:
Teacher Ophelius:
Today's message is about the caring for children and the need for teaching them the greater truths of life--to be more than just a child of the earth, but also a child of the universe. They are to be taught that they are not only your children, but the children of the Creator God of all things and beings. They are to be taught that they are indwelt with the Spirit of this Creator God and that all other children and grown ups alike are also indwelt with this same spirit that lives within their mind who helps them to grow wise and teaches them how to love, for love is the way of the ascending soul. No longer will you teach separation or the doctrines of man's sinful fallen estate, but rather will you teach them that they are ascending from imperfection to perfection. More important than ABCs and 123s, you will teach them how to treat others and to be kind loving persons, for this is the beginning of all knowledge, truth, and goodness.
Teacher Ophelius:
Today's message is about the caring for children and the need for teaching them the greater truths of life--to be more than just a child of the earth, but also a child of the universe. They are to be taught that they are not only your children, but the children of the Creator God of all things and beings. They are to be taught that they are indwelt with the Spirit of this Creator God and that all other children and grown ups alike are also indwelt with this same spirit that lives within their mind who helps them to grow wise and teaches them how to love, for love is the way of the ascending soul. No longer will you teach separation or the doctrines of man's sinful fallen estate, but rather will you teach them that they are ascending from imperfection to perfection. More important than ABCs and 123s, you will teach them how to treat others and to be kind loving persons, for this is the beginning of all knowledge, truth, and goodness.
Inner Peace (Damai dari Dalam)
Kunci pertama adalah bahwa damai itu dari dalam batin, yang diperoleh dari kebiasaan menyediakan waktu hening (stillness) bertemu dengan Roh Tuhan yang telah ada dalam batin kita. Jadikan ini kebiasaan dari muda, maka kita akan merasa tidak kesepian, tidak terbuang, dan tidak tertolak.Kita akan merasa tetap diperhatikan, tetap mendapatkan bimbingan dan petunjuk apapun yang sedang alami. Carilah waktu tenang mencari ke dalam, tanpa bicara, tanpa tatacara, tanpa aturan, tanpa posisi badan tertentu, karena ini adalah olah batin untuk mendapat damai. Cukup mencari waktu dan tempat yang tenang, lalu memperhatikan ke dalam batin. Kalau ini menjadi kebiasaan, maka batin kita akan cepat menjadi tenteram. Mengapa? karena kita masuk hadirat Roh yang adalah sumber semua kedamaian. Dengan sendirinya kita juga membangun komunikasi aktif dengan Roh yang di dalam kita.
Jadi, damai itu berasal dari dalam.
Kunci kedua yang akan kita dapatkan dari metode pertama di atas adalah percaya seperti anak kecil, polos, ikhlas, percaya kepada Tuhan, bahwa Tuhan itu baik, dan semua akan aman di tangan Tuhan. Bahkan percaya penuh seperti seorang anak memasrahkan nasib masa depannya kepada orang tuanya. Apapun tantangan ke depan, tetap percaya dengan polos bahwa semua akan tetap baik.
Maka hasil akhirnya adalah kedamaian pikiran. Damai dalam semua masalah yang sedang menimpa. Damai dalam aniaya dan dalam segala hal.
Waktu Sendirian Bersama Tuhan
Selama ini mungkin kita beranggapan bahwa untuk beragama berarti mengikuti berbagai aturan, membuat berbagai upacara, tatacara, dan acara yang makan waktu tenaga dan biaya ... Isa mengajarkan langsung tentang inti agama, yaitu hal pertama yang wajib dilaksanakan, dan amat sederhana, langsung pada sumbernya: waktu sendirian bersama dengan Tuhan. Time for being alone with God. Waktu untuk menghadap Dia langsung, berdialog dengan Roh yang didalam kita. Waktu kita menyediakan saat khusus di tempat favorit yang tenang, indah dan damai, menutup semua gangguan luar, menutup pintu kamar, mencari tempat tenang, lalu berinteraksi langsung dengan Tuhan, melalui mengheningkan cipta dan memusatkan perhatian kita kedalam.
EBook Spiritual Gratis
EBook Spiritual Gratis: (eBook Spiritual Gratis): Download gratis buku-buku saya dalam bidang spiritual, pencarian kebenaran, dan mengenai Buku Urantia. Buku-buku ini universal dan mencakup berbagai tema dan sudut pandang untuk memperluas wawasan Anda. Semua agama memiliki kebenaran maing-masing.
Judul buku yang bisa Anda download antara lain adalah Siapa itu Yesus atau Isa dari semua sudut pandang aliran dan agama yang ada sekarang, Tujuh Hukum Universal Alam Semesta, novel City of Crystal menggambarkan kota di planet kebangkitan seperti yang ditulis di Urantia Book, novel Kiamat menggambarkan ramalan 2012 dan tahun-tahun sesudahnya serta kiamat yang pernah terjadi di planet Bumi pada masa Adam dan Hawa seperti ditulis di Urantia Book, novel Perjalanan dengan Mahaguru menggambarkan kisah dua saudagar India yang pergi ke Roma dengan Joshua ben Jusuf pada awal abad Masehi dan munculnya aliran baru Buddha Mahayana di India, buku Spiritual Instan mengenai spiritual secara sederhana, dan masih ada yang lain.
Kunjungi http://nwidi.blogspot.com/
Nugroho Widi
Judul buku yang bisa Anda download antara lain adalah Siapa itu Yesus atau Isa dari semua sudut pandang aliran dan agama yang ada sekarang, Tujuh Hukum Universal Alam Semesta, novel City of Crystal menggambarkan kota di planet kebangkitan seperti yang ditulis di Urantia Book, novel Kiamat menggambarkan ramalan 2012 dan tahun-tahun sesudahnya serta kiamat yang pernah terjadi di planet Bumi pada masa Adam dan Hawa seperti ditulis di Urantia Book, novel Perjalanan dengan Mahaguru menggambarkan kisah dua saudagar India yang pergi ke Roma dengan Joshua ben Jusuf pada awal abad Masehi dan munculnya aliran baru Buddha Mahayana di India, buku Spiritual Instan mengenai spiritual secara sederhana, dan masih ada yang lain.
Kunjungi http://nwidi.blogspot.com/
Nugroho Widi
http://urantiaindonesia.blogspot.com
Buku Urantia (Urantia Book) dan Terjemahan Indonesia: BUKU URANTIA SECARA RINGKAS, BOOK FREE DOWNLOAD da...: "Buku Urantia secara Ringkas. Buku pengantar yang berisi keterangan Buku Urantia lengkap dengan penjelasan dan keterangan per papernya. Edisi Juli 2011
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