Balas Dendam dan Keadilan

Pesan dari dimensi lain dari oknum guru atau malaikat yang mengaku sebagai Prolotheos: “Let us start this lesson by proposing that there are things which seem good, but on closer observation are found to be evil in disguise. One example is covered by today’s topic of Revenge versus Justice. Revenge may seem to imply something akin to justice, because it appears to share some aspects with justice, like retribution or punishment. In fact, revenge has nothing to do with Justice, because the former seeks to make things even according to personal standards, whilst the latter seeks to rectify things – make things right according to the law. Adherence to the rule of law is a mark of an advanced society, whereas the acceptance of revenge is a left over characteristic of barbarism.

“Revenge may originate from a rightful feeling, the need to punish the wrong and evildoing against the innocent. However, the idea of meeting out justice with one’s own hands is altogether repulsive, since it allows the offended party to practice the same violence he or she condemned in the first place. Even when the law allows society to punish by committing the same violence, it’s a sign of social primitivism. Furthermore, the desire for revenge comes from an immature and misguided self, which cannot deal with the injustice perpetrated against the self or another, whilst retaining a spiritual attitude.

“There is much truth in the saying that ‘man can fool human justice, but never God’s’. Ultimately, from a universe perspective, revenge shows ignorance of, or indifference to justice inherent in the universe of universes. In fact, there is in place a divine universe law that compensates and adjusts all that is counter to the will of God. Such a law may be called Karma, retribution, pay-back, or the ‘boomerang effect’, whichever best fits your believes. Basically it is the universe’s natural justice at work, seeking the final fulfillment of the will of the Father.

“It is difficult for human beings to cope with a lack of justice, which is commonplace during the present social development of Urantia. And this may instill the impression that in some cases revenge is justifiable. Revenge may bring satisfaction, but never justice. Justice, in civilized societies implies the necessity of ‘due process’ in which a person is held responsible for crimes committed, and is guaranteed the right of defense. Revenge wrongly ‘places upon’ the individual the functions of legislator, judge and executioner, which obviously is unlawful. However, when all hope for human justice is lost, trusting in God’s justice is the correct and humane thing to do.

“Some old religious records on Urantia inaccurately describe God as the ‘Avenger of the innocent’. Such a primitive concept legitimizes the practice of revenge among God-fearing people and leads to the thought that seeking revenge is, in certain ways, doing the ‘work of God’. The Father is not in the business of avenging people. He effects justice, not because He loves the innocent better than the offender; rather, he loves both equally, and renders justice because it is inherent in His character.

“I am Prolotheos, your friend and tutor on high. Peace to you.”

Chicago, US of A, July 9, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Revenge versus Justice.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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