Beriman secara Tulus dan Ikhlas

Buku Urantia menceritakan Isa alMasih sebagai seorang yang tulus beriman kepada Tuhan. Ia menyebut Tuhan dengan istilah "Bapak" dan ia percaya layaknya seorang anak kecil percaya orangtuanya, tanpa curiga, tanpa menggerutu, dan tanpa kecewa. Iman semacam inilah yang menyebabkan Tuhan bisa mewahyukan diriNya sepenuhnya sebagai Tuhan yang pengasih dan penyayang dalam diri Isa atau Yesus itu. Inilah bentuk iman secara riil, sederhana dan terbukti.

Isa juga memiliki iman bahwa dunia itu aman dan baik, sebagaimana juga seorang anak kecil percaya lingkungah sekitarnya.  Ketika kita beranjak dewasa kita bertemu orang-orang jahat atau diajari bahwa orang lain jahat padahal itu tanpa bukti. Lalu ada anak-anak muda yang menjadi militan dan ekstrim...
Tidak. Jangan memusuhi sesama. Isa atau Yesus menikmati hidup di dunia dan ia sangat mencintai sesamanya. Isa sangat mencintai semua orang.

Kuncinya adalah percaya pada Tuhan seperti seorang anak kecil percaya orangtua dan lingkungannya. Percaya seperti anak kecil bukan berarti bersikap kekanak-kanakan. Jangan cengeng dan jangan salahkan siapapun. Jangan seperti anak kecil yang hanya menghafal agama. Jadilah dewasa dalam segala pengetahuan, sifat dan sikap yang lain, tetapi dalam berhubungan dengan Tuhan berimanlah seperti anak kecil kepada orangtuanya, polos, tulus, mau belajar, dan tanpa prasangka.

P.2089 - §1 In the earthly life of Jesus, religion was a living experience, ... His faith was not immature and credulous like that of a child, but in many ways it did resemble the unsuspecting trust of the child mind. Jesus trusted God much as the child trusts a parent. He had a profound confidence in the universe--
P.1102 - §4 Of Jesus it was truly said, "He trusted God." As a man among men he most sublimely trusted the Father in heaven. He trusted his Father as a little child trusts his earthly parent. His faith was perfect but never presumptuous. No matter how cruel nature might appear to be or how indifferent to man's welfare on earth, Jesus never faltered in his faith. He was immune to disappointment and impervious to persecution. He was untouched by apparent failure.

P.2089 - §1 In the earthly life of Jesus, religion was a living experience, a direct and personal movement from spiritual reverence to practical righteousness. The faith of Jesus bore the transcendent fruits of the divine spirit. His faith was not immature and credulous like that of a child, but in many ways it did resemble the unsuspecting trust of the child mind. Jesus trusted God much as the child trusts a parent. He had a profound confidence in the universe--just such a trust as the child has in its parental environment. Jesus' wholehearted faith in the fundamental goodness of the universe very much resembled the child's trust in the security of its earthly surroundings. He depended on the heavenly Father as a child leans upon its earthly parent, and his fervent faith never for one moment doubted the certainty of the heavenly Father's overcare. He was not disturbed seriously by fears, doubts, and skepticism. Unbelief did not inhibit the free and original expression of his life. He combined the stalwart and intelligent courage of a full-grown man with the sincere and trusting optimism of a believing child. His faith grew to such heights of trust that it was devoid of fear.
P.2089 - §2 The faith of Jesus attained the purity of a child's trust. His faith was so absolute and undoubting that it responded to the charm of the contact of fellow beings and to the wonders of the universe. His sense of dependence on the divine was so complete and so confident that it yielded the joy and the assurance of absolute personal security. There was no hesitating pretense in his religious experience. In this giant intellect of the full-grown man the faith of the child reigned supreme in all matters relating to the religious consciousness. It is not strange that he once said, "Except you become as a little child, you shall not enter the kingdom." Notwithstanding that Jesus' faith was childlike, it was in no sense childish.
P.2090 - §1 Jesus' earthly life was devoted to one great purpose--doing the Father's will, living the human life religiously and by faith. The faith of Jesus was trusting, like that of a child, but it was wholly free from presumption. He made robust and manly decisions, courageously faced manifold disappointments, resolutely surmounted extraordinary difficulties, and unflinchingly confronted the stern requirements of duty. It required a strong will and an unfailing confidence to believe what Jesus believed and as he believed.

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